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September 2020

Hero Shooter Project

For the hero shooter project, my task was to create new-sounding and unique sound effects for a theoretical character in a hero shooter based off of the image seen here. 

I wanted to evoke the musical motifs and other sound effects often associated with cupid, while also making sure the noises that I used as a base not only fit the character in the picture, but also the genre of the hero shooter overall. 

For instance, for the firing sounds and reload, I used clips of the M1 Garand, a similar-looking gun to the one in the picture and overlayed with harp flourishes to evoke the "magical" feeling of cupid.

I used a similar philosophy when designing the "hit" and "miss" sounds, the feedback that the player would receive after firing depending on what they had hit in the environment, including a special harp flourish for headshots.

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To bring it all together and to show how these sound effects would work in an actual hero shooter, I put all the sound effects together with audio from Overwatch to create a "play of the game" for the character, featuring the firing and hit sounds, footsteps for running, and the character's ultimate move: "Aphrodite's Kiss"

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Solo Project
Made using Reaper and Soundsnap
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